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Christian Education 

 Christian Education should be creative and flexible; it should never be “business as usual.” 

Since we believe the way to grow a church is through Christian education, Greater Little Rock strives to always busy herself with a systemized study of God’s word…and the Christian Education Ministry is charged with keeping that at the forefront. 
The longest-reaching arm of this ministry is the Sunday Church School Department, and the Director of Christian Education, along with the Superintendent of the Sunday Church School, who uses this arm of the ministry to supply the church with the needed educational opportunities to equip the Saints to call sinners to repentance, reclaim the backsliders and edify other Saints. 
Electives are offered during the Sunday Church School hour for those who desire to take advantage of special opportunities to educate themselves on health matters, societal issues, financial matters or a myriad of other topics. Additionally, Vacation Bible School for the entire family and a special class for graduating High School seniors are both offered yearly. 
ROCK Night is our weekly Bible Study. ROCK is an acronym for Relying On Christ’s Knowledge…and that is what we gather to do…learn of Him that we may be able to rely on His knowledge. Registration for a ROCK Night class is open to the membership, and the Holy Spirit is invited to lead each student where He wants them to learn. 
JAM is the Youth Department’s acronym for Jesus and Me. Each Wednesday night they gather in the age-appropriate class assigned to them and learn of Him in such a way that will encourage and equip them in the days of their youth. 
As evident by this program of study, the Christian Education Ministry is designed to assist the appropriate church leader in planning, conducting and evaluating a comprehensive ministry of Christian education in support of the mission and objectives of the church.  
Needs change everyday for each of us, and creativity and flexibility allow for the meeting of needs in/through Christian Education. 
For additional information, please contact our Christian Education Office at (850)433-4787 ext. 100 or email

901 North A Street
Pensacola, FL  32501

9:15 a.m. (In-person and YouTube)

8:00 a.m. (In-person and Zoom)

ROCK Night/JAM (Bible Study)
Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. (In-person and Zoom)

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Calling. Reclaiming. Edifying.

901 N. "A" Street | Pensacola, FL 32501 | PH: (850) 433-4787