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Pastor's Bio 

Lonnie Davis Wesley, III, was born and reared in Pensacola, matriculating through the local school system and graduating from Escambia High School in 1987.  He received his initial Christian education at the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, under the watchful eye of his pastor and father, L.D. Wesley, Sr. 

Upon high school graduation, Wesley attended Alabama State University (ASU) in Montgomery, Alabama, where he lettered four years in baseball, and was graduated in 1992.  While in Montgomery, he continued his Christian education at the First Baptist Church of Greater Washington Park, under the tutelage of Pastor Willie Welch, III. 

Immediately following college graduation, Wesley was courted by Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi, and eventually joined the Tiger Athletics staff in the fall of 1994 as the Assistant Sports Information Director/Director of Marketing and Promotions. 

Wesley also spent time in the National Football League when he interned in the Public Relations offices of the Dallas Cowboys in 1991 and the Cleveland Browns in 1992. 

While in Jackson, Wesley joined the Greater Fairview Baptist Church, under the direction of Dr. S. L. Spann, and accepted his call into the preaching ministry.  The Terry Grove Baptist Church of Terry, Mississippi, then called Wesley to the pastorate, and he served that congregation for seven years. 

While serving, God blessed Terry Grove with many advances that culminated into Wesley’s moving to Pensacola, Florida, and the Greater Little Rock Baptist Church family in December of 2004.

Since arriving at Greater Little Rock Baptist Church, membership has grown, ministry has increased and lives have been changed. The church has focused her energies on calling the lost, reclaiming the backslider and edifying the Saints of God. She pledges to do this through the increased efforts of Christian Education, Evangelism/Outreach and Media ministries.

Wesley holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications (Public Relations) from ASU.  After starting on a Master of Arts degree in Christian Education at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Wesley finished and was graduated from Selma University in the spring of 2006.  He is currently working on a Doctorate of Ministry degree in Expository Preaching at Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina. 

The 54-year-old Wesley is married to the former LaTonya Neal of Pensacola, and the couple has three children: Kalen, Jeffrey and James.

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Calling. Reclaiming. Edifying.

901 N. "A" Street | Pensacola, FL 32501 | PH: (850) 433-4787